Sunday, April 12, 2009

Old Fashioned Wedding Cake (Over One Hundred Years Old)

Mrs. A. J. Prentiss

Four and a half pounds flour, four pounds butter, four and a half pounds sugar, twelve pounds raisins, five pounds currants, three pounds citron, thirty-four eggs, four large nutmegs, one and a half tablespoons cloves, one ounce mace, three large tablespoons cinnamon, three large tablespoons rose extract, one cup molasses, one quart boiled sweet cider, one tablespoon soda. Bake four hours.

(Note: Since the Plymouth Cook Book was published in 1906, that would make this recipe circa 1780-1810. Looks like it would make either one enourmous cake or several smaller ones. Today's wedding cakes are often light airy cakes. This seems almost to be a spice/fruit cake. If you are looking for a cake that will feed a crowd I beleive this one is it.)

Stuffed Apples

Mrs. Hugh Means

Six sweet apples, peel and core, stuff centers with chopped nuts and raisins or dates, plug with pieces of apples and bake until tender. Serve with whipped cream.

Tapioca Cream

Miss Marie Boone

Soak two-thirds cup tapioca in water until soft, boil one quart milk, when boiling stir in yolks of three eggs will beaten and the tapioca. Cook until thick. Beat whites to a stiff froth, add half cup pulverized sugar, flavor, spread over the top and put in oven to brown.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Strawberry Cordial

Mary W. Bosworth, Baltimore, Maryland

One quart strawberries, one pint water, one pound pulverized sugar, one lemon, one orange. Wash the berries through a sieve, add the juice of the orange and the lemon and the water, work all well together and let mixture stand two hours. Put the sugar into a bowl and strain the juice over it, stirring until the sugar is all dissolved. Stand on ice to cool. This makes a delicious drink for immediate use. It will not keep many days.

Orange Cake

Harriet Haskell MacDonald, Providence, R. I.

Five eggs, (save whites of two for frosting), half cup cold water, juice and rind of one large orange, two cups sugar, two cups bread flour, three teaspoons baking powder.

Frosting - Beat whites of two eggs, add juice of half orange and stiffen with powdered sugar.

Cucumber Sandwiches

Slice a cucumber thin, dip slices in vinegar and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place between thin slices of bread and butter.

Beefsteak Pudding

Mrs. J. S. McCrory

One pound round steak, ground. Three eggs, beat well with one-quarter cup butter. Add one cup flour and one pint milk, with salt and pepper. Bake on-half hour. Enough for six people.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pond Lily Salad

Mrs. Anna Arnett

Form the petals with the whites of hard boiled eggs cut lengthwise. One egg makes about eight petals. For the center chop the hard boiled yolks and mix with chopped olives and a little chopped celery, add little mayonnaise. Serve on nasturtium leaves.

Potato Rolls

Mrs. N. G. Stevens

Two cups mashed potatoes, one cake compressed yeast dissolved in one-third cup water, four eggs beaten, one tablespoonful sugar, a little salt, one measuring cup (scant) of lard. Mix together , adding flour until very stiff, let rise, then make out into very small rolls, let rise again, then bake twenty minutes


Mrs. P. O. Marvin

Two cups of any kind of cold minced meat or fish. Add to this a sauce made with one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons four, one cup milk, one egg, one teaspoon salt, quarter teaspoon pepper. Pour the mixture on a flat dish to cool. Take a tablespoon of the mixture, roll lightly between the hands into shape. Roll in bread curmbs, then in beaten egg, again in bread crumbs. Fry in deep fat.

Olive Sandwiches

Miss Minnie I. Barteaux

This is a unique way of serving olives at teas and receptions. Cut the flesh from the stones of half dozen large olives, chop it fine, add to it a scant tablespoon of mayonnaise dressing. Mix and spread on thin slices of buttered bread, form the sandwiches and cut into small squares. Stuffed olives are very appetizing served in this way.

Belvue Stew

Mrs. Warren S. Wood

One root celery (or two cups diced) stewed until tender in two tablespoons butter, two cups thin cream, one quart oysters, one half cup cracker dust. Cook until oysters curl.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fig Paste

Mrs. L. N. Hazen

One-half pound figs, one-half pound dates, one-half pound English walnuts. Put these ingredients through a meat chopper, mix with a little powdered sugar and roll out. Cut into squares and dip in powdered sugar. For afternoon teas or to serve with after dinner coffee.

[note: These are probably dried figs and dates since it is unlikely that Lawrence Kansas in 1906 had access to these ingredients fresh]

Rice Jelly [For Invalids]

Mrs. J. E. Harris

Mix enough water to two heaping teaspoons of rice flour to make a thin paste, the add to it a coffecup of boiling water. Sweeten to taste with loaf sugar, Boil until it is transparent like starch. Boil a small stick of cinnamon with it if the jelly is intended for a patient with summer complaint. This is especially good for babies. It may be flavored with a few drops of lemon juice for a patient with fever.

Corn [Soup]

Mrs. Charles Smith, Indianapolis

Put two cans of corn in a crock and one quart of water. Let it simmer three hours. Put it through a colander. Add cream or milk to make it right consistency. Season with salt, butter and pepper to taste. Just before serving add one tablespoon whipped cream.

Sweet Potato Corn Bread

Mrs. H. A. Martin

Boil four small or three large sweet potatoes, put through vegetable press. While they are hot mix with them a tablespoon of butter, seven-eights cup of milk, one teaspoon salt, one and on-half cups corn meal, one egg beaten thoroughly. Beat the batter smooth, add one heaping teaspoon of baking powder and bake in a shallow tin. Serve the bread hot, breaking, not cutting.

Nut Loaf - A substitute for meat

Lula Renn

Grind one-half pound pecans, one-half pound almonds and English walnuts. Stir together. Add four tablespoons peanut butter, one-half cup of minced celery or one-half teaspoon of celery seed, one cup of moistened bread crumbs, two well beaten eggs. Mix thoroughly, form into a loaf, bake in temperate oven one hour, basting occasionally with hot water, or if desired with tomato juice. Serve on a platter garnished with cress or nasturtium leaves and currant jelly.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Egg [Soup]

Mrs. E. Hogan

Boil three potatoes until tender. Mash fine, add one quart new milk, a lump of butter the size of an egg. Beat one egg very smooth. When milk boils stir rapidly over all. Add finely chopped celery to flour. This is an inexpensive soup and good for the sick and children.

Pie Crust - For one pie

Mrs. O. A. Hanscom

One cup flour, two tablespoons lard, three tablespoons water, salt

Sponge Cream Pie

Mrs. George Wilmarth, Topeka

One cup sugar, three eggs beaten with the sugar, one and a half cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, half cup of cold water, tablespoon boiling water stirred in at the last.
Cream for Filling - One pint of milk put in a double boiler, one egg, cup of sugar, and tablespoon cornstarch, beaten together. Put into the milk and stir constantly till thickened. Flavor with vanilla. Split the cake and put the cream between when cold.

Persimmon Pudding

Handwritten recipe inserted into cookbook

1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups sour milk
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 or 3 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
flour, enough to make stiff batter or thin as desired
1 1/2 cups persimmon pulp

Friday, April 3, 2009

Washday Pudding

Mrs. H. V. Bullock

Layers of bread crumbs and layers of chopped apples in pudding dish, seasoned with butter, sugar, and cinnamon or nutmeg. Pour over one cup water and bake. Serve with cream and sugar.

Zodiac Cookies

Miss Laura Carter

Three-fourths cup sugar, two-thirds cup butter, three teaspoon water, one egg, half cup cocoanut. Mix soft.

Peanut Butter Chops

This is from an inserted newspaper article called Some Novel Chops.

Peanut butter chops are quite novel. Mix together 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1 1/2 cups cooked rice, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon celery salt, 1 egg and 1 finely chopped onion. Moisten with tomato juice. Shape into chops. Bake in a hot oven twenty minutes.

Imperial Cake

Mrs. L. Bullene

One pound sugar, one pound butter, one pound flour, one pound almonds, one pound raisins, three-fourths pounds citron, one pound eggs or ten eggs, one glass rose water, a little mace. This is sometimes called a white fruit cake. Bake it in the same way as ordinary fruit cake. The almonds should be blanched and chopped and the raisins cut, citron sliced fine.

Mother's Brown Bread

Mrs. A. M. Wilcox

One cup sour milk, one cup sweet milk, two cups corn meal, one cup flour, one cup molasses, one rounded teaspoon soda, one-fourth teaspoon salt. Steam in covered mould three hours. This is sufficient for four baking powder cans. The batter is very thin and needs considerable room for rising.

Old Fashioned New England Boiled Dinner

Mrs. Geo. Kimball

Select a three or four-pound piece of corned beef which is not too lean. Soak it over night in cold water. Early in the morning drain and cover with boiling water in a large iron or porcelain kettle. Boil slowly and steadily. At 9 o'clock add beets, taking care that they are cleaned withouth breaking the skins. At 10 add turnips pared and quartered. At 11 add carrots cut in halves and a cabbage quartered, One cup or more of navy beans, which have been soaked over night in soft water drained and tied loosely in a thin bag. At 11:30 add pototatoes pared. Be sure to keep kettle boiling constantly and the contents will be ready for a 12 o'clock dinner. The beans should be buttered and served separately.